Dec/Jan 1783 Vol 40 Issue 12

Letter Asking for advice Advice given.

Dear Annabelle,

_____ I'm a widow who lost her husband at the start of the Revolutionary War. For the first four years of the war, I raised seven children alone and although I wasn't able to do much financially, my children helped, so we lived comfortably considering it was during a war. My sons ran errands and did odd jobs around the neighborhood to contribute what they could to our household and my daughters spent their days knitting clothes to send to our soldiers. As much as I wanted to do for my children, I couldn't; there weren't many job opportunities, especially being that I was a woman. I wasn't aware of what was happening in the war or anything that was happening outside my home, as a matter of fact. However, it didn't matter much that I was so unable to do what I wish I had been able to because my children helped me so much.

_____I was beginning to think that things would turn out for the best when my two oldest sons enlisted in Gen. Washington's army and left to fight in the war on January 2nd of 1780. I weeped and pleaded with them not to leave, but it seemed like nothing I said could change their minds. Without them, I was lost and my other children sensed my sadness and they in turn lost their youthfulness. My sons had been my strength since their father's death but they've left my side as well. I received news last month that they had died side by side in a small battle in the South. My boys' promise that they'd be home as soon as the war was over still echoes in my mind.

_____I don't know what to do or how to feel. My children and I have no one to take care of us and nothing to look forward to anymore. Perhaps I have fallen from grace in God's sight. I cannot stand the thought of living without my sons nor my husband and knowing that the things I can do are so limited. It's becoming so difficult to even put any food on our table each day. It pains me to see my childrens' faces growing hollow and losing color. Hearing them cry themselves to sleep breaks my heart. What can I do? Is there anything I can do to help my family?

_____ -Desperate

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